May 29, 2013


Thirty-seven years ago today, I married my best friend, my husband. How does a love last so long? Understanding - Compromise - Laughter

A Life Shared

 My, oh my how time does fly
I look back and I think
On all the times of life we’ve had
Such memories that I keep.

We were mere children when we met
So very long ago
Searching for that friend for life
For love, could we make it so?

Trouble here and trouble there
We both had our share
Bad times, sad times, mad times too
Even so you always cared.

Looking back on friends we miss
Some family forever gone
Loves that failed, children derailed,
You and me we never let go.

Hand in hand we’d walk this land
Never to be alone
A promise made so long ago
The same as written in stone.

We’ve had this one life to live
And with nothing had it all
Me and you we always knew
Stay true and neither would fall.

To this in retrospect my love
Best friend forever more
As we grow old in each other's arms
My love for you still soars!

An original poem by Nancy Elizabeth Luz (C) 2011

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