June 22, 2013


Okay, so we all know what we are supposed to do if we want to be happy. Thinking good thoughts, right? The law of attraction, like attracts like, what goes around comes around, and all the rest of those sayings. But it's hard - it's hard to always stay in the positive, so you will always receive the positive. 

Some rude or angry person blindsides you, you stub your big toe, or spill your coffee down your shirt. Ahh!! But how about this? Every time something makes you so frustrated, ask yourself:

Does this really matter? Will it matter next week or next month? ... Probably not. 

Most likely we over-react in anger or frustration because we have bigger issues lurking in our lives. Problem children or relationships, work stress, someone we love who is ill... But, there is a saying:

If everyone piled their troubles into a heap and could choose among them - we would probably take our own back. 

Life is about how we face challenges. After all, we are all learning as we go. Me? I try to maintain a perspective, and laugh through both the good and the bad. It's hard yes, but not impossible. The yogis say breathe - slowly and loudly so you can hear your rhythm. I will add, give Nature a visit. In person if you can. But for when you can't, here is a little bit She shared with me. 

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