April 04, 2013


The following is a collection of teachings by Charles Haanel, author of The Master Key System written in 1912. Charles Haanel was thought by many to be one of the finest writers on self improvement and higher consciousness ever published.

Haanel believed that all power is from within and that if you can control your thoughts and focus on one ideal or desire, it will manifest in your life. A brief summary of his teachings is listed here. The book, The Master Key System is a free internet download (see link below) and is highly recommended reading. 


1. Thought is always seeking expression. Is it weak, critical, and negative? Or is it powerful, constructive, and positive?  Quality, character, and nature of thought creates your world without.

2. What do you wish to manifest in your life? Know that idle thinking dissipates, constructive thinking creates.

3. So create a clear, decisive, calm, deliberate, sustained thought with a definite end in view.

4. Three things are needed for success:
        The knowledge of your power
        The courage to dare
        The faith to do

5. Power depends on consciousness of power. Realize the power of attention: it generates interest, then dedication (to your ideal).

6. Silent thought concentration is the means. Hold your ideal in the consciousness and it will become the subconscious. Visualize the new pictures to hasten the process.

7. Think of being a ship’s captain, the train’s engineer. Focus, like a magnifying glass in sunlight. 

8. Reverse the evidence of the senses. Abundance not want. Health not disease. Harmony not discord

9. Use constructive, positive imagination. Rid all thoughts that are not constructive. Eliminate all fear, for that will destroy all power. The fear from doubt, hesitation, and criticism.

10. Our future is determined by our present. Do you see only the incomplete, the imperfect, the limited? You will only get more. The world without is an external reflection – so change the world within.

Free download:  http://www.thefreemasterkey.com/