
Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Nancy Elizabeth Luz, a writer and artist at heart, but for most of my life a practicalist out of necessity.
I was always a pretty good student and was told by more than one (OK many) of my teachers even in grammar school to pursue writing as a career. I'll load some of my grammar school papers soon that made it to my adulthood and you'll see why. Even I am surprised by them!
But having very traditional parents with very traditional views on what constituted a 'good' job for a woman, that was not encouraged. Neither was going to college as there was 'no money'.
As you can imagine, having not been born with that infamous silver spoon, I needed a job right out of high school. But I refused to give up on college so put myself through nursing school full time, while working part time as a grocery store cashier. I moved in with my then fiancé Paul and we got married as soon as I graduated.
Nursing was a natural segway into adulthood as looking back (despite hating babysitting) I always seemed to be taking care of someone or watching out for my friends. I was the level-headed one, the Mary Tyler Moore of the teenage set, liked by all my friend's parents. An avid reader all my life I loved the written word, the smell of an old book, the feel of the pages between my fingers. Quiet time was my haven and books the flight of my soul.
But nursing-me was who I had become -- a Registered Nurse for my first 15 career-years, helping patients hands-on through their illnesses and injuries, working with other nurses, doctors, nutritionists, and physical therapists to make people whole again. But I eventually decided that I wanted to help people on a more global scale -- a whole bunch at once -- rather than one at a time.
So I fit night school into my work schedule and got my MBA in business and marketing, spending the remainder of my employee years working in various hospital management positions and eventually in health care IT.
In these roles and because of my persistent love of writing, I volunteered to write whatever was needed -- white papers, marketing brochures, business collaterals including direct mail pieces and advertising copy, and several analytical business unit presentations for senior management. Please check out my LinkedIn Profile for more information about that.
But I always was more interested in wellness than illness. I believe that body, mind, and soul are one and each relies on the other for wholeness. Traditional healthcare, traditional western medicine ignores this Trilogy and compartmentalizes rather than unifies the human 'being'. When one area suffers, the others suffer in turn. So I decided to let the masters guide me in my effort to be helpful to others. Enjoy!
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