August 15, 2013


Okay, so how is your summer going? Are you entertaining friends, off with the kids, or working like a dog? Me? I've been trying to catch up on some reading, which is why things have been a little silent here.

I want to share something I came across that I learned long ago and then quite frankly, forgot. That we should always live in the moment, and be in the moment no matter what. That awareness is key to happiness, and well...sanity. Those moments may be joyous, unnerving, happy, sad - and we need to experience whatever it is - in that moment.

But, and this is a big but, we need to stay aware - and know that we get to choose the role we play while we live through each experience that comes our way. Choose the role, then keep only the good and let the rest melt away.

Life is an unfolding and we will experience many different moments. Sometimes we'll react in anger or bitterness, jealousy or remorse. Those are choices. Many times born out of conditioning and not conscious thinking. Remember, awareness is key. Think first. So that you don't fall into the trap of always reacting the same to say, a critical relative or a narcissistic boss.

Taking control of a situation by controlling our own remote-control responses is easy - we just have to remember to check in mentally to what we are experiencing. Objectifying the situation is the first step. Try to do this before the next interaction that makes you want to rip your hair out (or someone else's)!

The last time I knew I was in for an uncomfortable situation, I planned ahead. Changed my usual response. It felt marvelous. I was able to step past rote behavior and take control for me - without demeaning or harming the other person emotionally.

Maybe that is the lesson - to answer to your true self without making anyone else feel bad. For a more detailed awareness, check out this link to Deepak Chopra.

His background is phenomenal in that he has medical training but chooses to help people in a very unique way. Wikipedia describes him as: a physician, a holistic health/New Age guru, and an alternative medicine practitioner. It's been said that he is the best deliverer of health, wellness, peace, and happiness of our time.