May 23, 2013


And So It Is

When I’m alone
My thoughts they roam
With no apparent plan.
Sometimes I try
But away they fly
Stay focused? I rarely can.

But are we supposed
To always show
An end result for a thought?
Or maybe we
Are supposed to be
Exactly how we are.

An original poem by Nancy Elizabeth Luz (c) 2011

Yesterday the discussion was about staying focused. That the ability to focus is what constitutes success. I still believe that is true, but focusing on being focused all the time, not only is exhausting it's impossible. 

So enjoy those times that a wandering mind demands. Creativity bubbles up when the mind is at rest. The key? Balance. When creativity strikes, that's the time to act. 

Realizing your dream may take a concentrated effort; but if your dream contains the spirit of you, it will be like no effort at all - more like flowing with the stream, riding the wind, sailing the current.

"Through work you charge all things you fashion with the breath of your own spirit."  

Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)

Make every effort the spirit of you.