June 27, 2013


"The men of experiment are like the ant, they only collect and use; the reasoners resemble spiders, who make cobwebs out of their own substance. 

But the bee takes the middle course: it gathers its material from the flowers of the garden and field, but transforms and digests it by a power of its own."

Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

"Knowledge is merely brilliance in the organization of ideas. It is not true wisdom. The truly wise go beyond knowledge."

Confucius (551-479 BC)

Be like the bee - be your own wisdom.

June 22, 2013


Okay, so we all know what we are supposed to do if we want to be happy. Thinking good thoughts, right? The law of attraction, like attracts like, what goes around comes around, and all the rest of those sayings. But it's hard - it's hard to always stay in the positive, so you will always receive the positive. 

Some rude or angry person blindsides you, you stub your big toe, or spill your coffee down your shirt. Ahh!! But how about this? Every time something makes you so frustrated, ask yourself:

Does this really matter? Will it matter next week or next month? ... Probably not. 

Most likely we over-react in anger or frustration because we have bigger issues lurking in our lives. Problem children or relationships, work stress, someone we love who is ill... But, there is a saying:

If everyone piled their troubles into a heap and could choose among them - we would probably take our own back. 

Life is about how we face challenges. After all, we are all learning as we go. Me? I try to maintain a perspective, and laugh through both the good and the bad. It's hard yes, but not impossible. The yogis say breathe - slowly and loudly so you can hear your rhythm. I will add, give Nature a visit. In person if you can. But for when you can't, here is a little bit She shared with me. 

June 19, 2013


"Concentrated thought is concentrated energy"

Charles Haanel (1866-1949)

What is it that you concentrate on the most? 

With the deepest emotion? 

Does it make you feel good?

Or does it make you feel bad? 
Only you can change your world.

Change your thought and you change your experience.

June 17, 2013


"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”

Confucius 551-479 BC

June 15, 2013

June 13, 2013


Have you ever seen Entertainment Tonight and OMG?  (All I can say is omg!) What are these people thinking, living off the illnesses and bad behaviors of famous 'idols' and making a fortune doing it? Last night like road kill, I was paralyzed into another realm, getting caught up in the absurdity of it all. I'm not talking about the Meryl Streeps and Johhny Deps out there, but the Kardashians and some wannabe star who took it up (apparently) with the pregnant one's boyfriend. Then again, I'm ranting... It's exhausting...

I worry about our children who are inundated with the whole no-boundaries thing. Anything goes and shock and awe is not only outdoing itself, it is even expected. As we become more and more numb to viewing, do we then start doing as well?  

I finally dragged myself away and popped in Hyde Park on Hudson, a movie about Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), his wife, his mother, and his distant cousin with whom he had an affair. It was a peek into the life of a man stricken with polio who was our president before and during the time of World War II, and his relationship with the King of England who had a severe problem with stuttering. Ah, and if you haven't seen The King's Speech please, I urge you to see it. You won't be sorry. It is a fantastic movie about the reluctant King of England and his battle with stuttering. These were real people with real personal issues that became true leaders of their day, respected for their strength and for their perseverance.

Anyway, after going from Entertainment Tonight and OMG to Hyde Park on Hudson all I could think of was this quote by FDR's wife Eleanor:

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."

Not sure about you, but I am going to try to live up to this challenge by Eleanor. 

June 08, 2013


"Not one single moment of life can be regained for millions of gold coins. Therefore, what greater loss is there than time spent fruitlessly?"

Chanakya Pandit (350-283 BC)

June 06, 2013


"Life is what happens while you're making other plans."
Author Unknown

I have seen this saying several times, its authorship contributed to various people, from Allen Saunders in the 1950's to John Lennon in the 1980's, as well as various other sources in the 60's and 70's.

The first time I ever saw it was on the tag of my tea bag back in the 1970's when I was just out of college. Regardless of who originated it, it is a powerful statement and caught me quite by surprise. I remember taping it to my telephone at work (where it stayed for years), deciding right then and there that I wanted to be aware as I went through life, not waking up years later and asking, "What happened?"

Even so, it takes effort to maintain an awareness. We are so easily distracted as a species. Friendships, arguments, marriages, misunderstandings, children, illnesses, work; they all get in the way of living! 

I've decided that as long as I am happy I am maintaining some level of awareness and when things are bad or sad, I've lost that awareness. For life is, or should be, happiness. And happiness is harmony. And harmony is the ability to control how interactions with others affects us. We forget that we really are in charge of our own lives. It's your choice.

"Take care of each moment and you take care of all time."

The Buddha (563-483 BC) 

June 03, 2013


The best way to live is to be like water,

For water benefits all things and goes against none of them.

It provides for all people and even cleanses those places a man is loath to go.

Live in accordance with the Nature of things.

When giving, be kind.

When speaking, be truthful.

When ruling, be just.

When working, be one-pointed.

When acting, remember - timing is everything.

... Move in harmony with the present moment.

From the Tao Te Ching (~500 BC)