June 13, 2013


Have you ever seen Entertainment Tonight and OMG?  (All I can say is omg!) What are these people thinking, living off the illnesses and bad behaviors of famous 'idols' and making a fortune doing it? Last night like road kill, I was paralyzed into another realm, getting caught up in the absurdity of it all. I'm not talking about the Meryl Streeps and Johhny Deps out there, but the Kardashians and some wannabe star who took it up (apparently) with the pregnant one's boyfriend. Then again, I'm ranting... It's exhausting...

I worry about our children who are inundated with the whole no-boundaries thing. Anything goes and shock and awe is not only outdoing itself, it is even expected. As we become more and more numb to viewing, do we then start doing as well?  

I finally dragged myself away and popped in Hyde Park on Hudson, a movie about Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), his wife, his mother, and his distant cousin with whom he had an affair. It was a peek into the life of a man stricken with polio who was our president before and during the time of World War II, and his relationship with the King of England who had a severe problem with stuttering. Ah, and if you haven't seen The King's Speech please, I urge you to see it. You won't be sorry. It is a fantastic movie about the reluctant King of England and his battle with stuttering. These were real people with real personal issues that became true leaders of their day, respected for their strength and for their perseverance.

Anyway, after going from Entertainment Tonight and OMG to Hyde Park on Hudson all I could think of was this quote by FDR's wife Eleanor:

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."

Not sure about you, but I am going to try to live up to this challenge by Eleanor. 

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