May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day is a time to give thanks to our Moms for all the things they have done for us over the years. As with most everything in modern day life, Mother's Day has become over the top commercialized, and so we buy gifts and send cards and make the obligatory visit. Despite that though, we are happy that this day rolls around each year to remind us that our Moms are to be celebrated.

If we are lucky. Sometimes Life isn't always rosy. Abandonment, abuse, neglect exist for some children and those hurts last. We can only look to people like Oprah and Tony Robbins for inspiration. Their childhoods were not so easy but their Moms did bring them into this world, and I think we would all agree, they've made the world a better place for having been in it!

There are some who say that we are on this earth to experience, and we cannot know joy unless we know sorrow, we cannot know love unless we know its lack. And that we choose the circumstances we are born into - the love, the sorrow, the poverty, or the riches. It's a curious thought indeed. But what if we do return again and again in order to experienceWith each day, through experience, we learn more and more. Why not Life after Life as well? 

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