April 22, 2013

-- E A R T H - D A Y -- C Y C L E S

In celebration of Earth day, and in appreciation for all She offers...


Green and blue
Shade and hue
Dance in the morning light,
Fuchsia and pink
Make me think
Of the wonder of my sight.

Birds and bees
Sky bound trees
Orchestrate their songs,
Whispering winds
Flutter their wings
I wonder at the sound.

For sight and sound
Are so profound
They make for a curious life.
I ask of you
Do you feel it too
Or just take it all in stride?

The peppering rain
Again and again
Life giving as it falls,
What do we do
Me and you
Do we wonder at it all?

The sun gifts life
We rest by night
The cycle ever continues,
As man and beast
Reap the feast
Of what Nature has to give us.

Dependent are we
And this I see
Is something not to forget
The sights, the sounds
To these we’re bound
And must never disrespect.

An original poem by Nancy Elizabeth Luz
(c) 2011

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