April 07, 2013


What is CHOICE? 

According to one popular on-line source, choice is:

the power of choosing 
2. the best part (of something)
3. the person or thing chosen 
4. care in selecting
5. something preferred

Sounds overall pretty positive, yes? What is choice really but a reflection of us, who we are and what we stand for! But do we use our ability to choose wisely, and select the best part of something or someone or do we follow others and do what they tell us is right. 

We all make choices. Every day. However, taking responsibility for your choices is key to staying true to yourself. And that requires thinking.

“To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

How many times have we allowed ourselves to be led by someone else because we thought him or her to be more educated, more experienced, or just more eloquent - parents, religious leaders, teachers, politicians, the boss at work, or any other variety of people.

Look at today's headlines, television news, and internet buzz. War, guns, gay rights, health insurance - everyone has an opinion and wants you to join their side. But do you do the research? Do you spend the time to understand the issues? Or do you forward the next email or comment on a post, riled up perhaps by its inflationary content (that may or may not be accurate), without thinking! If the sender of a message has anything to gain by its content then we should all consider that message carefully, and with jaundiced eye.

"There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

By following the crowd, by not taking a stand, or even worse, making a choice based on automatic pilot or rote response, you compromise who you are and what you stand for. One of the hardest things to learn to say is "No" to those we see as leaders in our lifetime and to stand up for ourselves and for others who may not be able to stand up for themselves. So say '"No" next time to that random inflationary email or reject biased news reports, and make a decision true to you - whether it be casting a vote or challenging a friend.


Learn to speak this little word
In its proper place,
Let no timid doubt be heard
Clothed with skeptic grace.

Let thy lips without disguise 
Boldly pour it out
Though a thousand dulcet lies
Keep hovering about.

For be sure our lives would lose
Future years of woe
If our courage could refuse
The present hour with "No".

Eliza Cook (1818-1889)

The choice is yours. Make it your own.

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